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Top Online Web Development Guides: Essential Resources for Developers

How to send emails using php mail

How To Send Emails Using PHP Mail

Sending emails using PHP Mail is a useful and practical skill for any web developer. In this comprehensive guide, we take you through the process of writing your first email using PHP Mail. We break down each of PHP's mail parameters one-by-one to help you understand what they all do.

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What are variable variables in php

What Are Variable Variables in PHP?

The most important syntax type in PHP, the dollar sign, is how you create a variable, but did you know you can also create variable variables in PHP? We'll learn how this is possible and why this might be beneficial.

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How to reset array keys in php

How To Reset Array Keys In PHP

Arrays in nearly all programming languages are an integral part that will make up your application. Manipulating these arrays is key to getting the most out of your application. Learn how to reset keys and values in this handy PHP guide.

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How to delete a directory in php

How to Delete a Directory in PHP

Your server's filesystem at some point in your web application lifecycle will require you to create, modify, or delete files and folders. We explore how with PHP you can remove a directory using PHP's rmdir function, along with PHP code examples.

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How to make a directory in php

How to Make a Directory in PHP

Your server's filesystem at some point in your web applications lifecycle will require you to create, modify, and delete files and folders. We explore how with PHP you can create a fresh directory using just PHP's mkdir function.

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Why does php need a server

Why Does PHP Need a Server and What is Backend Code?

PHP is a hugely popular server-side programming language used in web development. In order for it to work, it requires a server. The server is responsible for handling tasks and processes. In this guide, we will delve into the reasons why PHP needs a server and what exactly is meant by "back-end code".

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How to run a php script in cli mode only

How to Run a PHP Script in CLI Mode Only

Have you ever wanted to run a PHP script from the command line, but weren't sure how? In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process and explain how to execute a PHP script in CLI and to ensure it cannot be executed from an HTTP request.

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Are php sessions secure

Are PHP Sessions Secure?

PHP sessions are a popular way to store per-user data, that is kept server-side. But how secure are they, and what is the best way to use PHP sessions and keep data and users safe?

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Find in-depth guides to the most common PHP programming questions and other areas of web programming, such as blocking IPs with Apache. Learning how to code is a great way to understand how the web work, and to have more control over your own websites. That means you're not reliant on other technologies such as web builders and will have an understanding of how it works. With any form of programming, there will always be times when you might get stuck. That's why we created this website - to share our knowledge and experience with you, so you can find answers to your questions quicker and learn from our mistakes. Our guides are written by experienced PHP developers with years of experience, and provide clear and concise explanations, practical examples, and expert advice. We hope that our guides will help you to improve your skills, solve problems, and build better web applications.

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