Grammarly Online Editor

Code comments and documentation editor

0 characters | 0 words

The Grammarly logo will appear at the bottom right when enabled.

Copy and paste your text content into the box and with Grammarly enabled it will help spell and grammar check your copy.

Grammarly Download

Don't have Grammarly installed? Grammarly is free to install on all modern browsers. You don't need Grammarly for Microsoft Word, for spell-checking in the browser just the extension for your browser. You don't need to sign up to download, simply download directly from either Firefox extensions or the Chrome store.

Grammarly for Software Documentation

Use Grammarly to write comprehensive documentation for your software application, be it PHP, Java, or any other programming language. Your documentation should offer clear instructions and explanations of your software's functionality. By leveraging Grammarly's grammar and spell-checking capabilities, you can ensure that your document is free from typos, grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes, making it easier for readers to comprehend and follow.

Grammarly for Code Comments

By using Grammarly you can enhance the readability of your in-code comments, ensuring they are free from spelling and grammar errors, and easily understandable for developers. Grammarly seamlessly works with PHP-style comments, and PHPDoc and is compatible with various other programming languages. Just paste in your comment blocks, and Grammarly will ignore the comment syntax while providing grammar and spelling fixes.

Grammarly Alternative

If you're looking for alternatives to Grammarly, there are several other grammar and spell-checking tools available that you can consider. Ginger writer - similar to Grammarly but also includes a sentence adjuster, translation, and features.

Please note that this tool is not affiliated with or developed by Grammarly.

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